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What is your design inspiration?

A Blog by the Woman Who Hates to Blog but Loves to Talk about Vintage and Design

Hello! Welcome to my blog.

Whoa.....that was a sentence I never thought would be uttered....or typed. Typically, I'm a woman of few words, a thoughtful observer who tends to listen more than she speaks. But, I am also a woman who truly loves design. And according to a kind designer friend I am also a woman with a lot of knowledge.

So what's a girl to do?

Apparently, she blogs.

Proof that this blog is done by a human and not AI

Why listen to me?

My subscription to Architectural Digest started back in the 1980's when I was in high school. What a glorious tome. Even the paper was luxe. Thick and glossy with photos that made my little 16 year old heart swoon. I was obsessed with Roche Bobois after seeing one of their sectionals in an advertisement. I dreamed of the life I would lead with that piece of upholstery in my home. I would be modern, glamorous, witty and sophisticated. Falling asleep at night designing the perfect room in my head, I can still remember dreaming so vividly of a bedroom. I woke up confused. Whose room is this?? Where is my canopy bed and walk in closet??

Roche Bobois advert from 1980's - not the exact one that made me swoon, but close.

Anyone who knows me also knows my love of old movies. Cary Grant in a mid century modern apartment in New York City. Yes, please. Rosalind Russell as Auntie Mame, living at 3 Beckman Place with her ever changing apartment. Yes, Yes. I love the movies and the stories but oh my goodness I love the rooms. I watch them over and over picking out details anew each time. There are definitely modern movies and shows that influence us today. Carrie and Big's apartment in Just Like That. One of my clients requested I refer to the apartment when designing her dining room. The beach house in Somethings Gotta Give? I believe my mother was heavily influenced and used the design as a guide to her own gorgeous home on the water.

What I'm trying to say is that I look at a lot of design.

I can't help it! I love it all. Mid Century Modern, love it. Eclectic manor house in the Cotswalds, give it to me. Penthouse in New York City, where do I sign up. Creamy and peaceful beach house in Mailbu, I'm on my way over. There are elements of great design everywhere in every style. Can I live in it all, nope. But I can appreciate that you can.

I follow a really cute account @greenladyofbrooklyn. She's obsessed with green. And honey I hear you. I love green, too. Green makes me instantly happy. Whenever I see something and it's in green I find it 1000x more appealing and there is a very good chance I will need to be talked out of purchasing said item. But look how happy she is surrounded by the color that makes her smile.

Find your green

Design is personal and unique. Don't be afraid to make it yours. We spend so much time in our homes nurturing ourselves, family and friends that we deserve a space which makes us glow. There are a lot of influences out there. Take some time to think about what you really love. Be thoughtful when you choose pieces and have some fun!

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Beautiful thoughts and ideas from a beautiful lady.


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